UNN Departmental Cutoff Marks for 2022/2023 - Admission Updates and Requirements

UNN Departmental Cutoff

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UNN Departmental Cutoff Marks for 2022/2023: All Courses and Departments

If you’re looking for the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) departmental cutoff marks for 2022/2023, you’ve come to the right place. This post provides detailed information on cutoff marks for JAMB, post UTME, and all available courses at UNN. Find out the minimum cutoff marks required for various programs and prepare yourself for a successful admission into UNN.

Important Notice: The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has released the official departmental cutoff marks for the 2021/2022 academic year. Aspirants who took part in the recent UNN post UTME screening are encouraged to check the cutoff marks for their desired courses below. The cutoff marks play a crucial role in determining admission eligibility, so it’s essential for candidates to know the requirements for their respective departments.

Why Knowing the UNN Cutoff Marks is Important for Aspirants

Understanding the UNN departmental cutoff marks will help you gauge your chances of admission and prepare for any upcoming screenings or exams. With the highly competitive nature of university admissions, especially in courses like Medicine and Surgery, Medical Laboratory Science, and others, knowing the exact cutoff mark for your course will give you a clear target. Whether you're applying for JAMB, post UTME, or direct entry, this information is crucial for a smooth admission process.

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UNN CUT OFF MARK 2022/2023

We all know that before your giving admission into the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). You will meet up all their requirements. well if we all know that, we will also know that before you will be giving admission you will meet up with departmental and faculty cut off mark of the school.
If the course of your choice is Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, Art, Education etc you will reach their cut off mark before you will get admission.


It is not everyone that knows the meaning of cut off mark. Most of aspirants ask this question ( what is the meaning of cut off mark). However if your on this category who ask such questions. Your not alone, vast learners will explain it here for you.
What is the meaning of cut off mark?? Cut off mark is an agreed score set by a particular institution as a basics of admitting students into the department of study.
like its said, is an agreed score set as a basics of admission. It means that when an institution set their cut off mark to be 200 in jamb and u score 199, they will not admit you because they set their cut off mark to be 200. But when u score above 200, you will have the chance of getting admission into the university.

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well many do ask this question. What is the jamb cut off mark for UNN. Well the general UNN cut off mark Is 180.
So when you sore above 180 you will stand the chance of getting admission. Those that scored 270, 290, 300. will have the chance of coming out in the first list, because no university will admit students that score 180 first when their is student that scored above.
let us not forget that UNN considers both Post Utme score. So meeting the jamb cut of mark is not the only issue. You will have to score higher in your post utme to be giving admission.


UNN Faculty Of Agriculture Cut Off Mark

  1. Agric Economics – 227
  2. Agric Extension – 201
  3. Animal Science – 202
  4. Crop Science – 206
  5. Soil Science – 205
  6. Fst – 227
  7. Home Science – 200
  8. Nutrition And Dietetics – 247

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UNN Faculty Of Arts Cut Off Mark 2023

  1. Archaeology & Tourism – 246
  2. English And Literary Studies – 271
  3. Fine And Applied Arts – 260
  4. Foreign Languages – 254
  5. History And International Studies – 259
  6. Linguistics And Nigerian Languages – 245
  7. Mass Communication – 268
  8. Music – 255
  9. Theatre And Film Studies – 254
  10. Combined Arts – 201

UNN Faculty Of Biological Sciences Cut Off Mark

  1. Biochemistry – 248
  2. Botany – 200
  3. Combined Biological Sciences – 214
  4. Microbiology – 243
  5. Zoology – 207

Faculty Of Business Administration

  1. Accountancy – 257
  2. Banking & Finance – 229
  3. Marketing – 207
  4. Business Management – 233

Faculty Of Education

  1. Adult Education – 201
  2. Education Art – 251
  3. Education Chemistry – 203
  4. Agric Education – 205
  5. Education Social Sciences – 245
  6. Business Education – 220
  7. Guidance & Counselling – 263
  8. Health Education – 206
  9. Home Economics Education – 229
  10. Industrial Technical Education – 236
  11. Library And Information Science – 246
  12. Science Education – 200

UNN Faculty Of Engineering Cut Off Mark

  1. Agric & Bioresources Engineering – 204
  2. Civil Engineering – 248
  3. Electrical Engineering – 242
  4. Electronics – 232
  5. Mechanic Engineering – 242

UNN Faculty Of Environmental Studies Cut Off Mark

  1. Architecture – 226
  2. Estate Management – 201
  3. Geoinformatics & Survey – 201
  4. Urban And Regional Planning – 210

UNN Faculty Of Health Science & Technology Cut Off Mark

  1. Radiography – 266
  2. Medical Rehabilitation – 258
  3. Nursing – 268

Faculty Of Physical Sciences

  1. Computer Science – 227
  2. Geology – 234
  3. Mathematics – 200
  4. Physics And Astronomy – 200
  5. Pure And Industrial Chemistry – 206
  6. Statistics – 200
  7. Computer/Statistics – 200

UNN Faculty Of Social Sciences Cut Off Mark

  1. Economics – 260
  2. Geography – 243
  3. Philosophy – 259
  4. Political Science – 275
  5. Psychology – 252
  6. Public Administration – 266
  7. Religion – 232
  8. Social Work – 213
  9. Sociology/Anthropology – 260
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The University of Nigeria Nsukka holds her admission screening exercises within a week or couple of weeks and it usually comes in two phases. Students who applied to study in the school are to proceed for the pre-screening exercise when once it is being announced.
Documents required for the pre-screening exercise are: SSCE result and JAMB registration print out only.
It is often important that a candidate arrive early and locate his/her screening venue early. Candidates will be screen on the JAMB scores and their SSCE result.
The second phase of the screening is after the admission lists might have been released. Candidates who have merited the admission will be invited for another screening exercise. Here all documents such as;
official UNN website

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Has UNN released the Cut Off Mark for 2022/2023?

You have to be aware that UNN Cut Off Mark 2022/2023 has not been published by the management. At the same time, have it in your mind that UNN JAMB Cut off mark will not be less than 180 as stated above.

When will UNN release Cut Off Mark 2022/2023?

No official date has been determined yet for the publishing of UNN cut off mark 2022, but you can check back later for further updates.

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Can I be admitted to UNN If I didn’t score up to 180 in 2022/2023 JAMB?

The fact is, you will not be able to purchase UNN Post UTME Form if your JAMB score/mark is not up to 180.

What does the UNN departmental Cut off Mark mean?

UNN departmental Cut off mark is the cut off mark you have to meet to be admitted for a course.

UNN departmental Cut off Mark 2022/2023

UNN departmental Cut-off Mark will be announced by the management after the Screening Exercise. Sometimes, departmental Cut off may not be announced.

Navigating UNN Departmental Cutoff Marks and Admission Requirements

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), is a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence and rich history. Every year, aspiring students eagerly seek information about UNN's departmental cutoff marks and admission requirements. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore these crucial aspects of UNN's admission process.

1. UNN Departmental Cutoff Mark:
The UNN departmental cutoff mark is the minimum score that aspiring students must attain in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) to be eligible for admission to specific courses. Cutoff marks can vary from one course to another and are determined by the university.

2. UNN Admission Requirements:
UNN's admission requirements encompass a range of criteria beyond cutoff marks. These may include the completion of secondary education, specific O-level subject requirements, and satisfactory performance in the post UTME screening.

3. University of Nigeria Nsukka Cutoff Score:
The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, establishes cutoff scores based on the competitiveness of each course and the number of available slots. Candidates are assessed against these cutoff scores to determine their eligibility.

4. UNN JAMB Cutoff Mark:
UNN's JAMB cutoff mark serves as a baseline requirement for all candidates seeking admission. To be considered for admission, candidates must score at least the minimum JAMB cutoff mark set by UNN.

5. UNN Admission Updates:
UNN regularly releases admission updates to keep candidates informed about the application process, admission lists, and important deadlines. Staying updated is crucial for prospective students.

6. UNN Admission Process:
UNN's admission process typically involves JAMB registration, post UTME screening, departmental cutoff assessments, and merit list publication. Candidates must follow the prescribed steps diligently.

7. UNN Post UTME Cutoff:
The UNN post UTME cutoff marks, which are distinct from JAMB cutoffs, are determined by the university and used to screen candidates for admission.

8. UNN Courses and Cutoff Marks:
Cutoff marks can vary among courses at UNN. Highly competitive courses often have higher cutoff marks, while others may be less competitive.

9. UNN Merit Cutoff:
UNN's merit cutoff represents the minimum score required for admission into various courses based on merit. Meeting or surpassing this mark is essential for consideration.

10. UNN Supplementary Admission:
In some cases, UNN may offer supplementary admission to fill remaining slots. This provides an opportunity for additional candidates to gain admission.

11. UNN Direct Entry Requirements:
Direct entry candidates, who possess advanced qualifications such as A-levels or diplomas, must meet specific entry requirements set by UNN.

12. UNN Faculty Cutoff Marks:
Cutoff marks can differ by faculty, so candidates must be aware of the requirements specific to their chosen faculty.

13. UNN School Fees:
Understanding UNN's school fees structure is essential for admitted students to plan their finances effectively.

14. UNN Acceptance Fee:
Upon admission, students are typically required to pay an acceptance fee to secure their slots. This fee is usually non-refundable.

15. UNN Academic Calendar:
The academic calendar outlines the university's schedule for the academic year, including registration, lectures, examinations, and breaks.


Q: What are UNN departmental cutoff marks?
Answer: UNN departmental cutoff marks represent the minimum scores required for admission to specific courses at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. These marks are determined based on the competitiveness of each program.

Q: Where can I find UNN's departmental cutoff marks for admission?
Answer: UNN's departmental cutoff marks are typically published on the university's official website and in admission-related announcements. Candidates can also inquire with the university's admission office for the most up-to-date information.

Q: How are UNN departmental cutoff marks determined?
Answer: UNN calculates departmental cutoff marks based on factors like the number of available slots for each course and the overall performance of applicants in the admission process.

Q: Do UNN departmental cutoff marks change from year to year?
Answer: Yes, UNN departmental cutoff marks can change from year to year. They are influenced by factors such as the number of applicants and the performance of candidates in the admission process.

Q: What happens if I meet the JAMB cutoff mark but not the departmental cutoff mark for my chosen course?
Answer: Meeting the JAMB cutoff mark is a basic requirement, but to gain admission, you must also meet or surpass the departmental cutoff mark for your chosen course. If you don't meet this mark, you may need to consider alternative courses with lower cutoffs.

Q: Are there any exceptions to UNN's departmental cutoff marks?
Answer: UNN's departmental cutoff marks are generally strict criteria for admission. However, some flexibility may be applied in exceptional cases, such as for candidates with special needs.

Q: Can I find past years' departmental cutoff marks for reference?
Answer: Yes, past years' departmental cutoff marks are often available on the university's official website or can be obtained from the admission office. They can provide insights into the historical trends of cutoff marks.

Q: Is there a specific cutoff mark for each department and course at UNN?
Answer: Yes, UNN typically sets specific cutoff marks for each department and course based on their individual competitiveness.

Q: When are UNN's departmental cutoff marks usually published?
Answer: UNN's departmental cutoff marks are typically published after the conclusion of the admission process, including the post UTME screening and assessment.

Q: What should I do if I have questions or need clarification about UNN's departmental cutoff marks?
Answer: For questions or clarifications regarding UNN's departmental cutoff marks, it's advisable to contact the university's admission office directly. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information.

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