1. The description of the earth is known as
(a) Zoology
(b) Geography
(c) Pedology
(d) Geology
Answer: (b) Geography
2. The geographical phenomenon is
(a) dynamic
(b) static
(c) both
(d) none of them
Answer: (a) Dynamic
3. To which cropping pattern is related
(a) soils
(b) climates
(c) market
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) All of Them
4. Who frame the phenomenon of cause and effect relationship?
(a) geographer
(b) photographer
(c) both of them
(d) none of them
Answer: (a) Geographer
5. How human beings have come to terms with the nature?
(a) through adaptation
(b) through modification
(c) through primitive societies
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) All of them
6. Geography as a discipline is concerned with
(a) what
(b) where
(c) why
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) All of them
7. In India Himalayas have acted as a great barrier to
(a) protect
(b) to rainfall
(c) routes to migrants
(d) none of them
Answer: (a) protect
8. he physical geography is linked with
(a) meteorology
(b) pedology
(c) geomorphology
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) all of them
9. The shape of the earth is
(a) oval
(b) flat
(c) Geoid
(d) round
Answer: (c) Geoid
10. The major approaches to study geography have been
(a) systematic
(b) regional
(c) both
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) Both
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