कर्रेंट अफेयर्स 2021-2025

कर्रेंट अफेयर्स 2021
कर्रेंट अफेयर्स 2022
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सामान्य विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी

भारतीय संविधान
प्रमुख दिवस
भारतीय कला और संस्कृति
खेलकूद सामान्य ज्ञान
पर्यावरण सामान्य ज्ञान
कम्प्यूटर सामान्य ज्ञान
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
भारतीय राजव्यवस्था
किताबों का नाम और लेखक
राज्य और उनकी राजधानी
भारतीय कृषि से संबन्धित प्रश्न
सामान्य हिंदी व्याकरण प्रश्नोत्तर
बीएड एंट्रेंस एग्जाम सामान्य ज्ञान
डी.एल.एड एंट्रेंस एग्जाम
राज्य सामान्य ज्ञान
UPTET, CTET परीक्षा
KBC सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी
सामान्य ज्ञान MCQ
हरियाणा़ सामान्य ज्ञान
ओलम्पिक खेल

भारतीय सेना सामान्य ज्ञान

भारतीय सेना में प्रवेश परीक्षा

Indian Police GK

भारतीय पुलिस में प्रवेश परीक्षा

UPSSSC सामान्य ज्ञान

UPSSSC Lekhpal
UPSC Gk Quiz
CG GK Qus Ans

Bank / LIC Entrance Exam

LIC Exam
बैंकिंग जागरूकता

SSC सामान्य ज्ञान

SSC GD परीक्षा
SSC Stenographer

रेलवे परीक्षा

रेलवे सामान्य ज्ञान
रेलवे परीक्षा टेस्ट सीरीज


Logical Reasoning


Arithmetic Math

English Quiz

English Quiz Point




Meta & Cryptocurrency



प्रधानमंत्री योजना

PM Yojana

मज़ेदार हिंदी पहेलियाँ

फनी जीके सवाल

UP Board Matrix प्रश्न

कक्षा 8 NCERT प्रश्न
कक्षा 9 NCERT प्रश्न
कक्षा 10 NCERT प्रश्न
कक्षा 11 NCERT प्रश्न
कक्षा 12 NCERT प्रश्न
फिजिक्स टेस्ट -1
फिजिक्स टेस्ट -2
फिजिक्स टेस्ट -3
फिजिक्स टेस्ट -4
रसायन विज्ञान टेस्ट -1
रसायन विज्ञान टेस्ट -2
रसायन विज्ञान टेस्ट -3
रसायन विज्ञान टेस्ट -4
जीवविज्ञान टेस्ट -1
जीवविज्ञान टेस्ट -2
जीवविज्ञान टेस्ट -3
जीवविज्ञान टेस्ट -4
इतिहास GK प्रश्न टेस्ट -1
इतिहास GK प्रश्न टेस्ट -2
इतिहास GK प्रश्न टेस्ट -3
इतिहास GK प्रश्न टेस्ट -4
इतिहास GK प्रश्न टेस्ट -5
राजनीति विज्ञान
राजनीति विज्ञान टेस्ट -1
राजनीति विज्ञान टेस्ट -2
अर्थशास्त्र टेस्ट
अर्थशास्त्र टेस्ट -1
अर्थशास्त्र टेस्ट -2
भूगोल टेस्ट -1
भूगोल टेस्ट -2
भूगोल टेस्ट -3
भूगोल टेस्ट -4
हिंदी टेस्ट -1
हिंदी टेस्ट -2
हिंदी टेस्ट -3
हिंदी टेस्ट -4
अंग्रेजी टेस्ट -1
अंग्रेजी टेस्ट -2
अंग्रेजी टेस्ट -3
अंग्रेजी टेस्ट -4

Ultimate Computer GK Quiz: Test Your Tech Knowledge Now

उच्च स्तरीय कंप्यूटर सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी: अब अपनी टेक्नोलॉजी ज्ञान का परीक्षण करें!

Ques: Who developed the Windows operating system? - Microsoft Windows.

Ques: Who sent the first email on the internet? - Ray Tomlinson.

Ques: What is a website? - A collection of web pages identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server.

Ques: Who invented the computer mouse? - Douglas Engelbart.

Ques: What is the full name of the word processor? - Microsoft Word Processor.

Ques: Who developed the Internet? - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

Ques: What does "CPU" stand for? - Central Processing Unit.

Ques: Who is known as the father of modern computer science? - Alan Turing.

Ques: What is the full form of HTML? - Hypertext Markup Language.

Ques: Who is the founder of Apple Inc.? - Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne.

Ques: What is the purpose of a firewall in computer networking? - To prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.

Ques: What is the function of RAM in a computer? - RAM (Random Access Memory) stores data that is being actively used or processed by the CPU.

Ques: Which programming language is widely used for building mobile applications? - Java, Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iOS).

Ques: What is the significance of the acronym "WWW" in a web address? - It stands for World Wide Web.

Ques: What does "URL" stand for? - Uniform Resource Locator.

Ques: What is the most popular web browser? - Google Chrome.

Ques: What does "PDF" stand for? - Portable Document Format.

Ques: Who is known as the inventor of the World Wide Web? - Tim Berners-Lee.

Ques: What is the purpose of an operating system? - To manage computer hardware and software resources and provide services for computer programs.

Ques: What does "LAN" stand for in computer networking? - Local Area Network.

Ques: What is the purpose of a spreadsheet software? - To organize, analyze, and present data in tabular form, typically in rows and columns.

Ques: Who is the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation? - Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Ques: What does "ISP" stand for? - Internet Service Provider.

Ques: What is the full form of USB? - Universal Serial Bus.

Ques: Which programming language is commonly used for creating dynamic web pages? - JavaScript.

Ques: What does "WWW" denote in a website URL? - It stands for World Wide Web.

Ques: Who is the founder of Facebook? - Mark Zuckerberg.

Ques: What is the full form of DNS? - Domain Name System.

Ques: Which company developed the Java programming language? - Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle Corporation).

Ques: What is the purpose of a modem in computer networking? - To modulate and demodulate digital signals to enable communication over telephone lines or cable systems.

Ques: What does "AI" stand for in computer science? - Artificial Intelligence.

Ques: Who developed the C programming language? - Dennis Ritchie.

Ques: What is the purpose of a router in computer networking? - To forward data packets between computer networks.

Ques: What is the primary function of an email client software? - To send, receive, and manage emails.

Ques: Who developed the Python programming language? - Guido van Rossum.

Ques: What is the purpose of a compiler in programming? - To translate high-level programming language code into machine code that can be executed by a computer.

Ques: What does "VPN" stand for? - Virtual Private Network.

Ques: Who is considered the father of modern computer science and theoretical computer science? - Alan Turing.

Ques: What is the purpose of a browser cache? - To store web page resources locally to reduce loading times and bandwidth usage.

Ques: What does "HTTP" stand for? - Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Ques: Who founded the Tesla electric car company? - Elon Musk.

Ques: What is the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)? - To store, organize, and manage data efficiently.

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This example demonstrates how to create a "scroll to top" button that becomes visible when the user starts to scroll the page.