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Army Entrance Exam: Your Path to Serving the Nation | Indian Army GD sample paper | Army exam paper | indian army gd question paper

indian army question paper जय हिंद दोस्तों आज हम इंडियन आर्मी GD भर्ती की परीक्षा में पूछे गये प्रश्न और उत्तर को देखें

Que 1: किसी गैस को दबाने पर
[A] आयतन बढता है
[B] केवल दाब बढता है
[C] दाब बढता है और ताप घटता है
[D] दाब तथा तापमान दोनों बढते है
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Correct Answer : [D] दाब तथा तापमान दोनों बढते है
Que 2: गोंडौ नृत्य का संबंध किस राज्य से है?
[A] मध्य प्रदेश
[B] राजस्थान
[C] उत्तराखंड
[D] केरल
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [A] मध्य प्रदेश
Que 3: सोडियम की परमाणु संख्या कितनी है?
[A] 12
[B] 9
[C] 10
[D] 11
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [D] 11
Que 4: अगर एक संख्या का 70%, 210 होता है तो वह संख्या कितनी होगी?
[A] 250
[B] 280
[C] 300
[D] 310
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [C] 300
Que 5: नेशनल गैलरी ऑफ आर्ट कहां स्थित है?
[A] कोलकाता
[B] पटना
[C] नई दिल्ली
[D] पुणे
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [C] नई दिल्ली
Que 6: पाचन तंत्र का हिस्सा नहीं है?
[A] यकृत
[B] पिताशय
[C] आंत
[D] कॉर्निया
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [C] आंत
Que 7: मीनाम्बक्कम अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा कहां स्थित है?
[A] तिरुवंतपुरम
[B] गुवाहाटी
[C] कोलकाता
[D] चेन्नई
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [D] चेन्नई
Que 8: परम ताप का मान होता है?
[A] .0ºC
[B] -273ºC
[C] 100ºC
[D] 273ºC
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [B] -273ºC
Que 9: अमित ने एक घड़ी 5% हानि में ₹190 में बेची, घड़ी का क्रय मूल्य क्या होगा?
[A] 195 रुपए
[B] ₹200
[C] ₹210
[D] ₹205
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [B] ₹200
Que 10: गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया कहां स्थित है?
[A] मुंबई
[B] पुणे
[C] गोवा
[D] दिल्ली
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [A] मुंबई

The Army entrance exam is a gateway for individuals who aspire to serve their nation by joining the Indian Army. It is a rigorous selection process that evaluates candidates based on their physical fitness, mental aptitude, and overall suitability for a career in the army. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the army entrance exam in simple language.

Eligibility Criteria: To appear for the army entrance exam, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria. This includes age limits, educational qualifications, and nationality requirements. It is essential to carefully read the official notification and ensure that you fulfill all the eligibility criteria before applying.

Physical Fitness Test: Physical fitness is a crucial aspect of serving in the army. The entrance exam includes physical tests such as running, push-ups, sit-ups, and long jumps. These tests assess your endurance, strength, and overall physical fitness. Regular exercise, fitness training, and a healthy lifestyle are essential to prepare for the physical fitness test.

Written Examination: The written examination is designed to assess your knowledge and aptitude. It typically includes multiple-choice questions on various subjects, such as general knowledge, mathematics, English, and logical reasoning. Adequate preparation, studying from reliable sources, and practicing previous years' question papers can help you perform well in the written examination.

Medical Examination: Candidates who qualify in the written examination are required to undergo a thorough medical examination. This examination ensures that candidates are physically and medically fit to withstand the demands of military service. It includes tests for vision, hearing, overall health, and specific medical standards set by the Indian Army.

Interview and Personality Test: Candidates who clear the written examination and medical examination proceed to the interview and personality test. This stage evaluates your communication skills, personality traits, leadership potential, and overall suitability for a career in the army. It is essential to prepare for the interview by practicing common interview questions and showcasing your qualities confidently.

Training: Upon successful completion of the entrance exam and selection process, candidates are admitted to the Indian Military Academy or other training institutions. The training period varies depending on the branch and specialization. During the training, candidates undergo rigorous physical training, academic courses, and leadership development programs to shape them into competent army officers.

पिछले वर्ष के हल प्रश्न पत्र / अभ्यास सेट

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  • अगस्त 2022 के समसामयिकी
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