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UP Board Matrix प्रश्न

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NCERT Solutions for class 11 English - Test 1

UP Board Class 11 English Solutions Pdf download are the part of UP Board Solutions for Class 11. Here we have given UP Board Books Class 11th English Solutions Download Pdf

Que 11: Tut was just a teenager when he did and was-
[A] the first heir of a powerful family
[B] the emerging heir of the poor family
[C] he last heir of a powerful family
[D] an inefficient heir of his family
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [C] he last heir of a powerful family
Que 12: Amenhotep II1 was the powerful pharaoh who ruled for almost-
[A] four decades
[B] three decades
[C] two decades
[D] five decades
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [A] four decades
Que 13: In Discovering Tut: The saga continues’ Howard Carter was a-
[A] British Philosopher
[B] British Botanist
[C] British Archaeologist
[D] British Zoologist
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [C] British Archaeologist
Que 14: The narrator grabbed the guard rails and entered the boat’s main-
[A] Floor
[B] Boom,
[C] Room,
[D] None of these
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [B] Boom,
Que 15: How did the author manage to stretch the canvas?
[A] by repairing the holes
[B] by asking crewmen for help
[C] it happened on its own
[D] the problem got over as the storm had passed
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Correct Answer : [A] by repairing the holes
Que 16: Where did the author spend his childhood?
[A] In the town with his mother
[B] In the town with his parents
[C] In the village with his father
[D] In the village with his grandmother
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [D] In the village with his grandmother
Que 17: was the last heir of a powerful Egyptian dynasty. ….
[A] Amenhotep III
[B] King Tut
[C] Amenhotep IV
[D] None of these
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Correct Answer : [B] King Tut
Que 18: What does C. T. stand for-
[A] Computerized Technology
[B] Competitive Test
[C] Competitive Test
[D] Computed Tomography
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Correct Answer : [D] Computed Tomography
Que 19: How did the sparrows express their sorrow at the death of their grandmother?
[A] They didn’t come that day
[B] they came and sat silently in the verandah
[C] They ate the bread crumbs
[D] they chirruped a lot
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [B] they came and sat silently in the verandah
Que 20: The author of the story “We’re not afraid to die we can all be together” is written by –
[A] Gordon Cook and Alan East
[B] Khushwant Singh
[C] A. R. Williams
[D] Walt Whitman
Show Answer
Correct Answer : [A] Gordon Cook and Alan East

पिछले वर्ष के हल प्रश्न पत्र / अभ्यास सेट

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  • मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास क्विज
  • सामान्य ज्ञान क्विज टेस्ट
  • फरवरी 2022 के करेंट अफेयर्स
  • भौतिकी MCQ प्रश्न
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  • विश्व का भूगोल क्विज
  • अप्रैल 2022 करेंट अफेयर्स क्विज
  • विश्व इतिहास प्रश्न उत्तर
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  • महत्वपूर्ण इतिहास क्विज
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  • सितंबर 2022 के करेंट अफेयर्स
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  • जून 2022 करेंट अफेयर्स क्विज
  • भारतीय भूगोल प्रश्न उत्तर
  • भारतीय राजनीति और संविधान
  • प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास क्विज
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