Computer Fundamentals: Understanding Hardware, Software, Networks, and More
A computer is a machine that uses electronics to input, process, store, and output data. Data is information such as numbers, words, and lists. Input of data means to read information from a keyboard, a storage device like a hard drive, or a sensor. The computer processes or changes the data by following the instructions in software programs. A computer program is a list of instructions the computer has to perform. Programs usually perform mathematical calculations, modify data, or move it around. The data is then saved on a storage device, shown on a display, or sent to another computer. Computers can be connected together to form a network such as the internet, allowing the computers to communicate with each other.
Que 1: Octal equivalent of hexadecimal code F3A1 is :
[A] 158661
[B] 171641
[C] 176541
[D] 173101
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Correct Answer :[C] 176541
Que 2: Who improve the adding machine?
[A] Gottfried Leibnitz
[B] Blaise Pascal
[C] Napier
[D] Jesus Christ
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Correct Answer :[A] Gottfried Leibnitz
Que 3: मौर्यकालीन कलिंग राज्य स्थित था ?
[A] वर्तमान उत्तरी उड़ीसा में
[B] वर्तमान पूर्वी उड़ीसा में
[C] वर्तमान पश्चिमी उड़ीसा में।
[D] वर्तमान दक्षिणी उड़ीसा में।
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Correct Answer :[D] वर्तमान दक्षिणी उड़ीसा में।
Que 4: Fourth generation computers :
[A] were built after 1970
[B] include microcomputer
[C] were the first to use microcomputer
[D] all of the above
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Correct Answer :[D] all of the above
Que 5: How many unique symbols in the Hexadecimal number system
[A] 16
[B] 12
[C] 10
[D] 8
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Correct Answer :[A] 16
Que 6: Which of the following is the default mode for windows to start?
[A] Safe mode
[B] Normal mode
[C] command prompt
[D] None of these
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Correct Answer :[B] Normal mode
Que 7: Which computer solves a variety of problems?
[A] Hybrid computer
[B] Analog computer
[C] General-purpose computer
[D] Special purpose computer
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Correct Answer :[C] General-purpose computer
Que 8: IQ of a computer is –
[A] 1024
[B] 365
[C] 0
[D] 265
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Correct Answer :[C] 0
Que 9: How many bytes are in 1 kilobyte?
[A] 90
[B] 145
[C] 8
[D] 1024
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Correct Answer :[D] 1024
Que 10: Who represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run?
[A] Who represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and