Computer Fundamentals: Understanding Hardware, Software, Networks, and More
A computer is a machine that uses electronics to input, process, store, and output data. Data is information such as numbers, words, and lists. Input of data means to read information from a keyboard, a storage device like a hard drive, or a sensor. The computer processes or changes the data by following the instructions in software programs. A computer program is a list of instructions the computer has to perform. Programs usually perform mathematical calculations, modify data, or move it around. The data is then saved on a storage device, shown on a display, or sent to another computer. Computers can be connected together to form a network such as the internet, allowing the computers to communicate with each other.
Que 1: Charles Babbage developed different engine machines in which year?
[A] 1811
[B] 1844
[C] 1833
[D] 1822
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Correct Answer :[D] 1822
Que 2: First generation computers –
[A] Stored programs in the memory of the computer
[B] Were built in the 19th century
[C] Used vacuum tubes instead of switches and relays
[D] All of the above
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Correct Answer :[C] Used vacuum tubes instead of switches and relays
Que 3: The ALU performs which arithmetical operation?
[A] (+ , – , * , 1 )
[B] ( & , ll . && )
[C] ( <, >, =,> =,< >)
[D] All of these
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Correct Answer :[A] (+ , – , * , 1 )
Que 4: Performance-wise digital computers are how many types?
[A] 6
[B] 4
[C] 2
[D] 1
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Correct Answer :[B] 4
Que 5: One Megabyte is equivalent to –
[A] 220 byte
[B] 230 byte
[C] 230 byte
[D] None of these
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Correct Answer :[D] None of these
Que 6: Smallest unit of memory is?
[A] Bit
[B] Megabyte
[C] Kilobyte
[D] byte
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Correct Answer :[A] Bit
Que 7: When we convert 10010 binary numbers to decimals. Then the solution is :
[A] 2010
[B] 1810
[C] 1410
[D] 1610
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Correct Answer :[B] 1810
Que 8: How many different characters can ASCLL represent?
[A] 90
[B] 1024
[C] 128
[D] 54
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Correct Answer :[C] 128
Que 9: Storage of 1 kb means the following number of bytes :
[A] 1064
[B] 1024
[C] 964
[D] 1000
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Correct Answer :[B] 1024
Que 10: Who represents the physical and tangible components of the computer?